What you need to know about chauffeur services

Ever wondered what the big deal was about chauffeured services? You might know that it’s not the same as hailing a taxi cab or catching an Uber. That’s also not to say that chauffeured services are only for special occasions, exclusively for high profile individuals (like celebrities) or high earning executives. In fact, chauffeured rides can simplify transport on a night out on the town, it’s a simpler way to go on vacation with the entire family, and you can even enjoy the ultimate road trip with your bestie. What do you need to know about chauffeur services before you make your booking?

Chauffeurs are different from driver services

Generally, a chauffeur’s primary job is to get you from point A to point in as much style and comfort as possible. As such, they are trained individuals who have well-developed soft skills and a knack for navigating difficult routes. A driver service will commute in any type of vehicle and deliver goods as well as people for a fee. They’re generally casual and make use of a fleet of vehicles. A chauffeur, on the other hand, is one highly qualified driver assigned to a high-end vehicle. A booking with a chauffeur ensures you have the driver’s undivided attention for the entire time. 

Chauffeured cars are always luxurious

Yes – we mentioned it, a chauffeured car is always a vehicle with excellent safety ratings. They have all the luxurious trims to make the trip memorable and comfortable. It also means that you step out of the vehicle in style and with an air of prestige. Wifi, airconditioning, a refrigerator, the use of electronic devices is included. Also, enjoy the use of software like Spotify for music. These are some of the considerations that make a chauffeured drive, exceptional. 

Chauffeured drives can be affordable

The sensation that chauffeured drives are elite and only for those who can afford exorbitant prices, is erroneous. This assumption leads many people to opt for the services that have a reputation for being more affordable, but it doesn’ always work out that way. If you are charged per kilometre, you may end up paying more for a cheaper service if they drop you off to go and service others, before fetching you again. A chauffeured service will provide a comprehensive quote alongside your booking with no hidden costs or unforeseen extras. 

Did you know? Chauffeur drivers can be pretty useful

Trained to meet your needs, a chauffeur driver can recommend great restaurants. They can take you to well-rated hotels, safe spaces to meet others. They’re able to find the way to complex destinations without assistance. A chauffeur isn’t a driver that will simply deliver you to your destination. A chauffeur will ensure all passengers are safely received on the other side and luggage is handled on your behalf. If there are any difficulties, a chauffeur is ready for a last-minute change of plans. 

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