You don’t have to be rich to hire a car – 5 reasons to hire a Tesla


Tesla is one of the biggest names in the sustainable energy industry. Elon Musk, the founder, has passionately designed vehicles that are fully electric without any of the downsides. Sure, they’re pricey, but not more so than a fuel-powered luxury car. As a result, there’s this erroneous idea that rentals in luxury names like Tesla are over-priced and exclusively for the wealthy. In actual fact, you don’t have to rich to hire a car, even if it’s a Tesla. Here are 5 reasons to hire a Tesla; 

  1. It’s environmentally friendly

The health of the environment is one of the trending buzzwords in business these days. It’s also making waves among consumers, who are opting for environmentally-aware service providers. For those seeking a commute that’s not harmful to the environment, hiring a TEsla is the best option. There are zero carbon emissions released. That’s not to say it’s perfect, after all, they still require batteries and charging equipment, but their carbon footprint is significantly lower than any other mode of transport. It’s definitely the ‘green’ choice. 

  1. The Model S makes you feel like a rockstar

Have you seen how sleek and luxurious these vehicles actually are? Tesla’s have smashed through the initial impression electric cars made on us. They’re not bulky, clumsy, or underpowered. They’re sleek, glamorous, and available for hire in a variety of colours. Everyone’s favourite? The Model S seems to be the trending vehicle. It’s ideal to hire for special events or for a day/evening out in style. 

  1. They’re super safe

We hear about self-driving cars and immediately worry that car designers and manufacturers have jumped the gun a bit, forsaking safety in favour of technological advancements. When you hire a Tesla, you’re not hiring a self-driving vehicle, you’re hiring a chauffeured vehicle that is environmentally conscious. That said, Tesla is one of the safest cars on the road. In 2013 Tesla received the highest safety rating of any car ever! 

  1. They’re FAST

We mentioned it already – Tesla has shattered our perception of environmentally friendly vehicles being underpowered and clumsy-looking cars that go nowhere fast. Tesla’s vehicles are FAST and beautiful. They also offer a very low centre of gravity, enabling the car to grip onto the road far more effectively at higher speeds. 

  1. They’re super quiet

There’s no hum, there’s no revving, TEsla vehicles are permanently in stealth mode. If you hire a chauffeured Tesla, you can enjoy music, conversations, phone calls, and even Skype meetings with the same quiet you enjoy in your office or at home. 

Is Tesla the best option?


There are many reasons to hire a Tesla, but, at the end of the day the perfect vehicle for you, depends on the occasion you’re hiring a chauffeur for and what your needs will be.

Chat to us, we’re always available to make suggestions to share our expertise on vehicles and commutes.

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